In the last few years, there has been a surge in the number of people who believe that vaccinations cause autism. Thanks to a few celebrities, this belief continues to spread. The celebrity most associated with this belief is Jenny McCarthy, but the most recent to espouse it is Kristin Cavallari. So, are they right? No, let’s look at the arguments and address them one by one.
1.) Studies show that vaccines cause autism - FALSE
2.) As the number of vaccines has increased, the incidence of autism has increased - TRUE-ISH
Yes, the number of vaccinations that we give our children has increased over time, especially in the last 70 years. It is also true that the number of children diagnosed with autism has increased over the years; however, the CDC has only tracked autism diagnoses since 2000 which leaves more than 50 years of increased vaccinations without data to connect to.

3.) But the Homefirst pediatric group and the Amish don’t vaccinate and have no cases of Autism. UNPROVEN and UNTRUE
The idea that Amish children aren’t vaccinated and don’t have autism is patently untrue. Amish parents do vaccinate their children, though potentially not on the recommended schedule. You may be thinking “aha! that proves it!”, but no, it doesn’t. The Amish live very different lives from the rest of us which means we can not ascribe causation to just one of the differences. They are not exposed to the same chemicals, preservatives, and pollutants that we are and they are a fairly isolated genetic pool (not many people born outside of the Amish community decide to become Amish) which means that if a genetic abnormality causes autism, it may not be present in the Amish gene pool.
4.) The risk of the vaccine is worse than the disease - FALSE
All medical interventions come with risks and that includes vaccinations. The vaccine that most anti-vacciners target is the MMR, which can lead to mild forms of the diseases vaccinated against (symptoms include fever, rash, loss of appetite, swelling of glands, and painful joints); rare side effects can include bruise like spots, seizures, and allergic reactions.
5.) “It’s our personal choice, you know, and if you’re really concerned about your kid, then get them vaccinated and it shouldn’t be a problem.” ~ Kristin Cavallari - FALSE
Many parents who chose not to vaccinate their children say things just like this and it is completely untrue. Diseases that had been completely or almost eliminated in the US have been making a comeback lately because of the increase in unvaccinated. In 2010 there was an outbreak of whooping cough in California that was proven to be the spread by unvaccinated children. 9,120 people caught the disease and 10 died. In Texas, 21 members of a church that advocated against vaccinations came down with Measles after a member brought the disease back from a mission trip. New York City has had a recent out-break of measles as well - there have also been cases in California, Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, Hawaii, Pennsylvania, Texas, Washington, Oregon, Florida, New Jersey, Virginia, Colorado, North Carolina, and Michigan since the beginning of 2013.

Keep in mind the vaccination schedule for children as well. Children aren’t vaccinated against Measles (MMR) until they are a year old, which means if they are exposed to the disease before then, they could contract it when they are most vulnerable and when their parents could do nothing to protect them. People with cancer who are currently receiving chemo, or those who are otherwise immunosuppressed are also at risk. And, as I mentioned before, vaccinations are generally 85-95% effective, so some people who have been vaccinated can also contract the disease in an outbreak. Of course, outbreaks are much more rare when everyone is vaccinated.
Please do not take medical advice from celebrities or people who stand to make more money if you follow their advice. It is fine to question the safety of medical interventions, and it is understandable that parents want to do anything they can to prevent their child from getting autism or any other disease/delay/health issue. However, vaccines do not cause autism, have relatively few risks and protect not only your child but other people’s children from things far worse than those risks.
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